Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Leadership & Government

 Leadership & Government learning the difference about the responsibility they take. 

Leadership is shown to me by someone, a leader who will take care and guide others to be what they believe in.

A government by the whole population or all illegal members of a state. 

A government is a person who will make sure the county is in safe hands and will do the right thing to be able to live a healthy life.

These concepts relate because this is a way we can learn about the two different things that people do for everyone else.

I feel the similarities between Leadership & Governments explain the same thing from what I’ve learnt from term 1 when we learnt about human rights. Leaders & governors are similar because they do the right thing for others by doing as well as they can to protect others.

It got me thinking by making me think about the different things they’ve signed up for. About the difference between a leader & governor.

My research can change some of the thoughts of a leader & governor. The plan can change by making them think of the difference within themselves.

My overall view of this topic is, how much I’ve learnt about the difference between a leader & governor. The different roles they play to help others in different ways. They are very similar but in different ways.